You know one thing that I'm really starting to miss form my younger years was going into game store and buying the new game I wanted physically on day 1. Now I mostly video games on PC because it's become more affordable and the console market just can't compare to it unless it's the Nintendo Switch.
But I remember the amazing feeling of walking into a game store and seeing the brand new game on the shelf and purchasing it then the journey home would add anticipation for a game I was so hyped over. On those journeys I'd be wondering what the game would be like, would it be awesome or disappointing and found out when I would later play it.
Purchasing a game online via Steam or any other online service just doesn't compare but like I stated before the console market is just crap now and I only buy physical games that are exclusive to Switch. The last time I bought a physical copy of a new game was No More Heroes 3 at a somewhat nearby GAME store in August of 2021.
Now in 2022 it seems that in the UK the only place you can buy newly released titles physically is GAME when I remember way more places selling newly released physical games. Yeah sometimes places like Tesco or Asda might release them but those usually do the mega-normie games like Call of Duty or the latest copy and pasted Fifa game.
Guess it's just another unfortunate side effect of the ever-growing digital age