Hi I'm Catninjaxd and I'm an artist and animator who adores crafting stories, coming up with ideas and drawing. I also have a hefty level of experience with art and animation.

Age 24

Farmer at Sneed's Fe

Bullworth Academy

Gotham City

Joined on 8/8/21

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Catninjaxd's News

Posted by Catninjaxd - May 9th, 2022

Junji Ito and his work are extremely overrated in my opinion. I've read Uzumaki, Smashed and Shiver and the only thing they have going for them is the freaky visuals. The artwork looks great when he goes full on body horror and can go overboard with the freaky factor but the art during the calm periods and build up is very generic.

The writing is also kind of crap sometimes, the characters are all the most generic, one-dimensional protagonists ever. Which yes for the anthology manga kind of makes sense because the stories are so short but Uzumaki, which is one big story, had no excuse for its crappy characters.

They're not even scary whatsoever, the freaky imagery very occasionally made me unnerved but people who call it "nightmare fuel" are highly exaggerating and need to grow up. He's creative and the stories have great concepts but these manga didn't really blow my mind.



Posted by Catninjaxd - April 10th, 2022

So about a week ago I saw Sonic the Hedgehog 2 obviously. And my overall opinion was that it was on par with the first one but not better. This review will have spoilers too so be warned.

Now it's no secret that I'm a huge Sonic fan and have been ever since I was a little kid from playing the classic trilogy via The Sonic Classic Collection on DS and this movie really didn't disappoint but didn't make me go soyboy either. I thought the film was fun and had great visuals plus its new portrayals of characters like Tails and Knuckles were pretty solid and finally gave Knuckles some justice after being wasted over the past decade.

Tails was great and I have no idea why he has his current game voice actress but he was. He was best buddies with Sonic, creating his own gadgets and being cowardly at first but overcoming his fears and it was a great portrayal and he was kawaii. Knuckles was okay in this film but I really disliked his deep voice and how he sounded like a text-to-speech bot at times, I've always hated deep voice knuckles and I want Dan Green to return plus Knuckles was a complete moron in this movie and too overly serious. He acted more like Shadow than Knuckles but we'll talk more about that later.

Dr Eggman was a bit of a downgrade in this movie, while Knuckles was too serious Eggman was too silly and was way sillier than he was in the 1st movie and no amount of make up can hide the fact that Jim Carrey is 60 years old but he was still fun to watch also was Agent Stone gay for him? Just wondering.

The movie had a lot more to do with Sonic than the first one with the Master Emerald and the chaos emeralds which were in the master emerald for some reason. The inclusion of super sonic and the Death Egg Robot were great to see and the final battle was fun to observe and can I just say the visual effects and animations in this film is top notch.

I also spotted the Easter eggs, mainly the coffee shop being called "Mean Bean" in reference to the game "Dr Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine", and the sonic adventure pose. And yes I saw the Shadow after credits scene. When the GUN commander said "50 years ago" I just knew it was Shadow and it's like I predicted. They've covered all the iconic stuff from the classic trilogy so now they're jumping to the adventure games.

I wonder how Rouge will be handled if she's in the 3rd movie, I'd be curious to see how they handle her boobies.

Again much like the first it felt like a standard, feels good kids movie but just worth seeing because it's Sonic. Which is pretty evident given the cinema I was in was full of kids who wouldn't shut the fuck up. One kid behind me kept whacking me in the head with his coat so I had to move seats and the fat lady next to me kept laughing at every single unfunny joke.

Overall I'd give Sonic the Hedgehog 2 - 7 sneeds out of 10



Posted by Catninjaxd - March 12th, 2022


Okay so a week ago I went to see The Batman in cinemas and it was pretty f-wording amazing.

It was such a kino movie from the cinematography giving off a real comic book vibe with the way some shots were composed and the film looked amazing without being full of fake CGI crap like a lot of superhero movies especially from the gay Marvel side.

I will kind of be going into spoilers so be warned.

I have been a huge Batman and DC comics fan ever since I was a kid from having watched previous Batman movies, both live action and animated, and playing the Arkham games which are masterpieces and this movie didn't disappoint. It was awesome to see Batman kicking ass on the big screen again and Robert Pattison was quite good as Batman but when he was Bruce Wayne he was all mopy and emo and waaaah! me depressed because Mum and dad dead lol. It was like they were trying to make him appealing to the teenage emo girls who'd get wet over him.

The moment at the beginning where Batman stepped out of the darkness to confront the gang brought a big smile to my face and this Batman is pretty great with him being flawed but still able to kick ass and solve problems which the Riddler demands lots of. I really liked how the bat symbol on his chest was actually a bat-a-rang which was a neat idea I'm surprised was never thought of before.

And thank god this movie does the Riddler justice, he's my favourite Batman villain and this movie turns him into a sinister psychopath who terrorises the corrupt higherups of the city with blackmail and makes Batman do actual detective work.

The Riddler was great and his motive made sense but I thought his plan was a bit too convenient at times especially towards the end.

The batmobile penguin chase was fucking incredible but the batmobile itself was just a modified sports car, nothing about it screamed "Bat" whatsoever. The movie has a really dark and grim atmosphere but didn't come across as being too edgy or gothic like it's been before. Despite the criticisms this film is phenomenal and as a Batman fan I couldn't be happier and enjoyed every minute of this well-written, based film even with it being 3 hours long which seems to be a huge talking point.

Best superhero movie since Joker I thought so get fucked Marvel soyboys

Overall I'd give the Batman 9.5 sneeds out of 10.

Now excuse me, I'm off to solve more riddles and post unfunny memes to discord servers.


Posted by Catninjaxd - March 2nd, 2022

So today as I walked into a café in my town I noticed one of the baristas was a cute emo girl. She stuck out to me with her blue dyed hair and piercings and when she asked for my order I nervously asked for a regular hot chocolate because of how cute she was.

As she was making it I noticed some self-harm scars on her arms, they were pretty fresh and all the way down to her wrists and I was like "OH FUCK!". She ended up making me a large hot chocolate instead but I liked her so much I didn't comment on her mistake.

I paid and left just like that, might start going there more now.


Posted by Catninjaxd - February 3rd, 2022

Do you know what really winds me up, is the mainstream media and attitudes claiming that videogames are for weak, socially inept losers who have no lives and no chance at getting girlfriends.

It's funny how they never say that for films or TV shows though. Like how is "wasting" 2 hours of your life playing a game any different from wasting 2 hours of your life watching a film. It's all just escapist fantasy worlds at the end of the day.

I heard a quote once that stated, "Time wasted having fun is not time wasted at all" and I agree with this.

In fact, videogames would be better for you since your brain is more active when playing them as opposed to just sitting down and watching the screen. I've also made some friends in the past because of our mutual interests in videogames too. So all those ignorant boomers can go shove forks in plug sockets for all I care.



Posted by Catninjaxd - January 17th, 2022

The games I'm excited for this year are:

Kirby and the Forgotten Land

Bayonetta 3

Sonic Frontiers (vaguely)

Tiny Tina's Wonderlands (The Borderlands spinoff)

Postal 4 (fully updated)

Bombrush Cyberfunk


Posted by Catninjaxd - January 3rd, 2022

My 2022 resolutions are:

-Gain more followers and connections

-To finish my university course and graduate with high grades

-Become more confident and make more friends

-Improve my art, comics and animations

-Gain some employment

-Gain money from my art stuff via commissions or freelance

-Start my "Beta-Males" comic series

-Get my teeth white


Posted by Catninjaxd - December 14th, 2021

It's my 21st birthday today motherfuckers



Posted by Catninjaxd - December 4th, 2021

Okay so I finished watching all of Netflix's Cowboy Bebop adaptation and I'm very mixed on it. Firstly, I'm somewhat a huge fan of the original anime but think it's very overrated and forgettable but not bad by any means and this adaptation is quite something.

I'll get the positives out the way first, they nailed the atmosphere and world of the show perfectly probably because it uses the exact same music from the show but it really does feel like the anime universe came to life.

Jet and Spike are really well cast and are very accurate to their anime counterparts especially Jet as he's fucking great. "wHy Is JeT a bLAcK Man?", well why are Spike and Faye asian?

The humour and style of it is spot on and the filming is literally like an anime.

Unfortunately this is where the positives end. My biggest issue is they completely fucked the structure of the show making 10 40 minute episodes and messing with the episode order sometimes coming up with original plots which are terrible compared to the adaptations. The adaptation episodes of the Clown episode, environmental terrorist episode and the cult episode were alright. The worst episode was the flashback episode to when Spike was in the Syndicate with Viscious which was completely unnecessary and literally tonally different to every other episode.

Speaking of which Viscious is fucking awful and a full on cuck. His acting is laughable and meme worthy and you can tell that he's blatantly wearing a wig. Viscious was very forgettable in the OG show because he didn't show up but even then he trumps this version. Although the scene where he killed his higher ups was pretty awesome to watch. Faye is just a walking swearing machine and they made her a lesbian and she's nothing like her anime version and quite shit. Ed only showed up for the last 2 minutes so I can't really critique him but it was quite something to behold I tell ya.

They made the show a whole lot edgier as well with full on nudity, gore and naughty swear words which was a weird choice as the OG show was tame with that stuff.

Honestly it's not great but had some potential, I loved the first episode and was like "Finally a good live action anime adaptation" but that quickly went away. Honestly this is the best anime adaptation I've seen but that's not saying much. I mean what else is there? Live action DBZ, Last Airbender and Death Note? It had soul and respect for the OG but the OG is still much better even if it is overhyped and nowhere near 10/10 material.

I give Live Action Cowboy Bebop 4 sneeds out of 10

See you space cowboys


Posted by Catninjaxd - November 16th, 2021

So I finally got round to watching the whole of Squid Game and I'm glad I did as it's extremely good. It's probably the first south korean piece of media I've seen apart from gangnam style and it was extremely brutal, gory and upsetting at times. It's one of those shows that makes you wonder what you would do if you were in the show and participated in the Squid Game. Similar to Total Drama or the manga Gantz.

I won't go into spoilers but all I can say is that there are many unexpected moments and twists galore but there were sadly a lot of predictable moments too. The aspect that impressed me the most was the visuals and camera work especially in the game portion as this show looks phenomenal and doesn't use any CGI crap. It has nice social commentary and themes of survival and what it means to be alive. The fact that so many characters are desperate enough for money that they participate in a game of death to get a shit ton of it speaks volumes.

As I'm a brit I didn't know how much the money in the show was worth so I constantly had a tab of "South Korean won to British pounds" calculator open to figure out how much the money actually was. I do that with anime too except with "Japanese yen to British pounds" instead.

I do think it's slightly overrated and I had no idea how it became Netflix's most watched show in such a short amount of time and I still think "Love, Death & Robots" is the best Netflix original I've seen but this show is well worth the praise.

I give Squid Game 9 sneeds out of 10.

P.S the girl who plays the North Korean thief is cute and can rob me of my virginity
